Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Observation: Self-Destruction of Relationships...

Self Destruction of Relationships as a Result of Paranoia

Have you ever been in a relationship and you thought everything was going great, then it came to a dead stop? You had stuff on your plate, s/he had stuff on their plate or both. You needed to take a break for whatever reason, but during this "break" you basically worried yourself crazy:

Is it something I said?
Did I do something wrong?
Did I do "it" badly? (Ha! Not likely!)
Are we going to pick this thing back up?
Is s/he seeing someone else?
Does s/he want to call it quits, but is just trying to let it fade out instead of hurting me?

So you drive yourself and/or friends crazy with all your rambling about how things are going to play out, what you should do, etc. There's a piece of literature out that's been getting RAVE reviews (it'll probably work for guys too, if there isn't a mirror version out yet):

He's Just Not Into You

Cop a squat and read a few pages, because the rest of us are tired of your whining...we have our own relationships to deal with. Hey, just think...if s/he comes back, you can bug the shit out of each other happily ever after.


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