Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Observation: Self-Destruction of Relationships...

Self Destruction of Relationships as a Result of Paranoia

Have you ever been in a relationship and you thought everything was going great, then it came to a dead stop? You had stuff on your plate, s/he had stuff on their plate or both. You needed to take a break for whatever reason, but during this "break" you basically worried yourself crazy:

Is it something I said?
Did I do something wrong?
Did I do "it" badly? (Ha! Not likely!)
Are we going to pick this thing back up?
Is s/he seeing someone else?
Does s/he want to call it quits, but is just trying to let it fade out instead of hurting me?

So you drive yourself and/or friends crazy with all your rambling about how things are going to play out, what you should do, etc. There's a piece of literature out that's been getting RAVE reviews (it'll probably work for guys too, if there isn't a mirror version out yet):

He's Just Not Into You

Cop a squat and read a few pages, because the rest of us are tired of your whining...we have our own relationships to deal with. Hey, just think...if s/he comes back, you can bug the shit out of each other happily ever after.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Don't Write Me Off

Don't write me off...
because I don't immediately put the dishes in the kitchen
maybe I'm enjoying just being with you and trying to savor the moment.

Don't write me off...
because I take a few extra minutes to get ready
I picked this outfit just for you and want to be sure to flaunt it.

Don't write me off...
because I don't like horror flicks too much
I'll watch them with you, but you don't need that movie just to hold me.

Don't write me off...
because I like amusement parks and roller coasters
I just like the little adrenaline rush and conquering what scares me.

Don't write me off...
because it takes a time or two for me to loosen up
Sometimes you'll be mad that you ever got me going.

Don't write me off...
because I'm not the best chef you've ever met
we can prepare the meals together and get the juices flowing.

So don't write me off
for things that I'm willing to learn
It's part of growing toward something special with you

Don't write me off...
Because I think
I'm falling for you.